Investigators Deployed for School Violence
이현   |  
|  2024.02.15 10:49

Starting from the upcoming semester, specialized investigators will be deployed when school violence occurs.

The Jeju POE announced that it has established a school violence integrated support system based on this principle.

Accordingly, when school violence occurs, specialized investigators will be responsible for conducting investigations, and the Provincial Office of Education will coordinate with specialized institutions to provide psychological counseling and treatment support for the affected students.

In addition, lawyers affiliated with the Provincial Office of Education will provide legal advice to the affected students regarding the measures taken by the School Violence Countermeasure Committee.

새학기부터 학교폭력 전담조사관 투입

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교육청 소속 변호사가 피해 학생들에 대해 법률 자문을 지원하게 됩니다.

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