Hwabuk designated as fine dust intensive management area
김동국 PD  |  ttiger8@kctvjeju.com
|  2020.09.25 10:19
Hwabuk designated as fine dust intensive management area
Province invests in high-tech anti-dust measures to combat air pollution

The provincial government will designate and operate Hwabuk-dong as a specialized fine dust intensive management area.

The decision was made considering the high concentration of facilities used by vulnerable social groups in the location, including daycare centers, kindergartens, elementary schools, and hospitals. The area consistently suffers from high levels of fine dust due to the Hwabuk Industrial zone that is located nearby.

Accordingly, Jeju Island will install fine dust alert systems and promote resident support projects, such as smart air shower rooms.

The province will also provide instruction to businesses that generate air-borne dust, while also increasing road sprinkler operations, and installing a real-time measurement system of fine dust.

4. 화북동 일대 '미세먼지 집중관리구역' 지정

제주특별자치도가 화북동 일대를
미세먼지 집중관리구역으로 지정 운영합니다.

어린이집과 유치원, 초등학교, 병원 등
취약시설 28곳이 밀집해 있는데다
화북공업지대와 인접해
미세먼지 농도와
취약계층 이용시설 밀집도가 고려된 결과입니다.

이에따라 제주도는
이 지역에 미세먼지 알리미를 설치하고
지능형 공기세척실 등
주민 지원사업을 추진하게 됩니다.

또 날림먼지 발생사업장에 대한 지도는 물론
도로 살수차 운영 강화,
그리고 미세먼지의 상시 측정 체계를 갖추게 됩니다.

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