Apartment prices in the province have continued to show a slight decline this month.
According to the Korea Real Estate Institute, in the first week of this month, apartment transaction prices in the province fell by 0.04% compared to the previous week.
The current decrease is slightly smaller by 0.01 percentage points compared to the drop seen in the previous week.
Over the past three weeks, apartment rental prices in the province have experienced a continuous decline, with each decrease amounting to 0.03%.
The real estate industry attributes this persistent trend to a sluggish housing market influenced by elevated interest rates causing caution among potential buyers.
이달 제주 아파트 가격 소폭 하락세 지속
이달 들어서도
제주도내 아파트 가격이
소폭의 하락세를 이어가고 있는 것으로 나타났습니다.
한국부동산원(Korea Real Estate Institute)에 따르면
이달 첫째주 도내 아파트 매매가격은 전주 대비 0.04% 하락했습니다.
이 같은 내림폭은
전주와 비교해
0.01%포인트 줄어든 수치입니다.
도내 아파트 전세가격은 3주 연속 0.03% 하락했습니다.
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