Plan to build ₩1b outdoor auditorium put on hold
김동국 PD  |
|  2018.07.19 15:07
2. Plan to build ₩1b outdoor auditorium put on hold
Jeju City reconsiders amid controversy over budget

The plan to build an 2000-seat outdoor auditorium in Jeju City has been postponed... amid controversy over its 100-billion won budget.

In its business report for the Culture and Tourism Committee at the Jeju Provincial Council, Jeju City said it had decided to review the plan from scratch on the back of concerns over sprawling development and damage to the natural environment.

The City had originally planned to build an outdoor performance stage... big enough to seat 2,000 people… around (오등봉)Odeongbong Park... with a budget of 80 to 100 billion won, based on financial estimations made through a feasibility study.

However, the City came under fire for not conducting public opinion polls and for the inefficiency of the planned structure.

제주시, '야외공연장' 계획 전면 재검토

1천억 원대 사업비로 논란을 낳았던 제주시 야외공연장 건립 계획이 보류됐습니다.

제주시는 제주도의회 문화관광체육위원회 업무보고에서 야외공연장과 관련해
자연녹지 난개발 우려 등 여러 의견이 제시됨에 따라
원점 재검토하는 것으로 최종 결정했다고 밝혔습니다.

앞서 제주시는 타당성 조사 용역을 근거로
오등봉 근린공원 일대에 사업비 800에서 1천억 원을 들여
2천명 이상 수용할 수 있는 야외공연장을 건립할 예정이었지만,
공론화 과정을 거치지 않았고
실효성이 낮다는 비판을 받아 왔습니다.

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