‘Innovative City’ Complete
김동국 PD  |  ttiger8@kctvjeju.com
|  2018.09.18 14:48
Over a decade ago, then President (노무현) Roh Moo-hyun launched a project to develop so-called "Innovative Cities" across the nation as part of a balanced development policy. The city in Jeju is now complete. Mike Balfour reports.

Final 2 public organizations finish relocation to Jeju

Two public organizations under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Korea Foundation and the Overseas Koreans Foundation, have been relocated to Jeju.

9 organizations moved to Jeju as part of balanced development initiative

The planned relocation of nine public organizations to the island has been completed.

The two most recently relocated offices use the former Seogwipo City Hall.

Korea Foundation aims to ‘make Jeju a center of international exchange’

The Korea Foundation, that deals with the nation's international exchanges, says it will try to make the island the center of international exchange.

Lee Shi-hyeong / Korea Foundation
My office will contribute to Jeju’s efforts to develop itself into a center for international exchanges. We will build networks with Jeju-based organizations and be an exemplary office in cooperation.
<싱크 : 이시형 / 한국국제교류재단 이사장>
"(제주도가) 명실상부한 국제 교류의 중심지로 발돋움하는데 저희 재단이 미력이나마 힘을 보탤 것입니다. 제주의 기관들과 네트워크를 구축해 새로운 협업의 모범 사례를 찾아내겠습니다."

Overseas Koreans Foundation aims for ‘mutual benefits’

The Overseas Koreans Foundation taking care of 7.4 million Koreans overseas is considering a "homeland retreat to Jeju for overseas Korean teenagers" and "Internship abroad programs for local young adults" to be mutually beneficial.

More Jeju residents to be hired

The two organizations will expand in cooperation with the Jeju National University to hire graduates of the school.

Song Jae-ho / Presidential Committee for Balanced National Development
Jeju has value as an international location and a commercial center. I hope the two organizations will support the island in international exchanges.
<싱크 : 송재호 / 국가균형발전위원장>
"국제와 통상이라는 (가치)를 가지고 제주도가 운영되는데, (양 기관의) 국제 교류 네트워크를 통해 제주도를 지원해주시고."

The province will run a consultative body for local qualified human resources beginning this month and finalize research for local industry promotion this year, aiming to make the best use of the Innovative City in Seogwipo.

Won Heeryong / Governor
If we don’t pursue and enforce balanced development across the nation, we can’t convince people of the value of other policies.
<싱크 : 원희룡 / 제주특별자치도지사>
"(이번 공공기관 이전은) 국가 차원에서 수도권 집중을 인위적으로라도 선도해서 이전하지 않으면 나머지 어떤 정책도 설득력이 없겠다."

The Jeju Innovative City was announced in 2007 as part of the nation's efforts toward balanced development.

[Reporter] Mike Balfour
[Camera] Ko Moon-su

All of the planned organizations have successfully moved to the island and the Innovative City has been finally completed after 11 years.

Mike Balfour, KCTV

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