24-hour emergency medical services over holidays
김동국 PD  |  ttiger8@kctvjeju.com
|  2018.09.20 14:33

3. 24-hour emergency medical services over holidays
6 public clinics to remain open as usual

In related news, the provincial government has announced its around-the-clock plan to deal with medical emergencies over the upcoming Chuseok holidays.

Six public health clinics will remain open as usual, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., while the island’s main hospitals will implement an enhanced 24-hour emergency medical treatment system.

Officials also designated specific clinics and pharmacies to remain open at night in each region, so people who need care can get it.

A list of which clinics and pharmacies will be open will be posted to the provincial website as well as the sites of the island’s two municipal governments. The information is also available through the emergency response center, which can be reached by dialing 1-1-9.

추석 연휴 24시간 비상진료체계 가동

제주특별자치도가 추석 연휴에 따른 24시간 비상진료체계를 가동합니다.

이를 위해 연휴기간 도내 6개 보건소에 대해 오전 9시부터 오후 6시까지 정상 진료하며 종합병원에 대해서도 24시간 비상진료체계 강화를 점검합니다.

또 지역별로 당직의료기관과 휴일지킴이약국을 지정해 의료기관 이용 불편을 최소화합니다.

연휴기간 이용 가능한 당직의료기관과 약국은 시도 홈페이지나 119구급상황관리센터에서 확인할 수 있습니다.

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