Jeju City to release disaster relief funding before Chuseok
김동국 PD  |
|  2018.09.20 14:34

4. Jeju City to release disaster relief funding before Chuseok
Aid for people whose property was damaged by Typhoon Soulik

Jeju City will release disaster relief funding before the Chuseok holidays to locals whose property was damaged by Typhoon Soulik.

It will initially distribute 1.3 billion won to about 600 people whose houses, farms, or livestock facilities were damaged.

Aid for another 18-hundred people will be then be distributed, still before Chuseok, depending on whether they had applied for disaster insurance and their financial situation.

The city is providing up to 50 million won in disaster relief per person, depending on the extent of damage.

'솔릭' 피해 지원금 추석 전까지 지급

제주시가 19호 태풍 '솔릭'의 영향으로 피해를 입은 시민들에게 추석명절 이전에 재난지원금을 지원합니다.

우선 주택과 농경지 침수, 축산시설 피해를 입은 600여명에게 13억원을 지급합니다.

나머지 1천 800여명에게 풍수해보험 가입여부와 소득수준 등을 확인해 추석명절 이전까지 지원금을 지급하기로 했습니다.

재난지원금은 피해규모에 따라 최대 5천만원까지 지급하고 있습니다.

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