Baby Fish Released
김동국 PD  |
|  2018.09.20 14:38
Saw-edged perch, red spotted groupers and convict groupers are the island’s priciest fish, but fewer of them are being caught. To combat the problem, local researchers recently released 100,000 baby fish into local waters. Mike Laidman reports.

Seopjikoji, Seongsan-eup, Seogwipo

In the waters off (섭지코지) Seopjikoji in (성산읍) Seongsan-eup, Seogwipo, baskets are passed from hand to hand.

Young saw-edged perch, the fry, swim around inside the baskets.

Jeju Ocean and Fisheries Institute releases saw-edged perch fry

The five-centimeter-long saw-edged perch fry were born via artificial insemination in May, and are now being released into Jeju waters.

First successful mass artificial insemination of 3 species

This was in fact the first time that a mass artificial insemination of saw-edged perch, red spotted groupers, and convict groupers was successful.

A total of 100,000 fry from the three species were released into the ocean around Jeju.

Ko Hyeong-beom / Jeju Ocean and Fisheries Institute
Young fry die easily, but we researched and developed methods to prevent them from eating each other and from other types of early deaths. That contributed to the successful mass artificial insemination.
< 고형범 / 道해양수산연구원 해양수산자원과장 >
어린 고기는 많이 폐사됩니다. 폐사를 방지하기 위한 먹이계열 연구와 고기가 커가면서 공식(서로 잡아먹는 행위)을 많이 하는데 이를 방지할 수 있는 연구기술을 개발하게 돼서 대량 생산할 수 있게 됐습니다.

The newly-released fish will grow and be ready for consumption in three years.

Fry will be ready to be fished in 3 years

This sudden influx of fish around Jeju will help increase the incomes of some of Jeju’s shoreside communities which have been suffering from marine resource depletion.

Oh Man-gu / Representative, Seongsan fishing community
There are fewer of the more expensive fish in our local waters. The release of these fry will bring money to our community. I appreciate it.
< 오만구 / 성산읍 고성·신양어촌계장 >
고급어종은 많이 고갈돼서 (이번 방류로) 어민 소득에 좋은 일이 찾아올 것 같습니다. 이렇게 방류해줘서 상당히 고맙다고 생각합니다.

Saw-edged perch catch grew 10X after fry release 3 years ago

The release of saw-edged perch fry made three years ago into the ocean around (모슬포) Moseulpo met with some truly astounding results; the catch is now 10 times what is was previously.

[Reporter] Mike Laidman
[Camera] Park Byeong-joon

Buoyed by the success of its project, Jeju Province will release an additional batch of fry into the waters off (차귀도) Chagwido Island, (표선) Pyoseon, and (모슬포) Moseulpo by next month.

Mike Laidman, KCTV

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