Overpackaged Chuseok Gifts
김동국 PD  |  ttiger8@kctvjeju.com
|  2018.09.21 10:48
Chuseok is a time of gift-giving. A growing number of consumers are complaining that the items they purchase are over-packaged. Mike Balfour reports.

Jeju City supermarket

Two bottles of health products are arranged in a paper package.

Overpackaged products for Chuseok gifts

The contents account for less than one fourth of the package volume.

This is a gift product of traditional liquor.

Manufacturers use loopholes in package control laws

The package of the two bottles contains unnecessary room to make it look larger.

This product takes advantage of loopholes in package control laws by putting liquor cups between the bottles.

Oh Min-geun / Jeju office, Korea Environment Corporation
Some liquor makers put glasses in their gift sets to reduce the ratio of empty package volume and to make it look large.
<싱크 : 오민근 / 한국환경공단 제주지사>
"술잔이 없으면 공간이 많이 생기거든요. 그런데 이제 잔을 넣어서 (포장 부피를 줄이려고) 일부러 넣는 경우도 있어요."

Toy gift covered in bulky plastic packaging

For a popular kids toy, layers of plastic packaging wrap the toy gift.

Oh Min-geun / Jeju office, Korea Environment Corporation
A huge part of the toy package is just empty. For toys, the allowed empty volume of the package is 35%. We need to examine the packaging.
<싱크 : 오민근 / 한국환경공단 제주지사>
"비어있는 공간이 많아서. 완구류는 (포장 공간 비율이) 35%되긴 하는데 한 번 (포장검사) 의뢰를 해 볼 필요가 있습니다."

Consumers are angry at the overpackaging.

Kim Yeong-jin / Yeon-dong resident
There is unnecessary packaging for gifts. The package is enormous, but the actual item is small.
<인터뷰 : 김영진 / 제주시 연동>
"불필요한 포장 많잖아요. 양은 작고 크기는 크고, 속 내용물을 작고."

Kim Soon-bok / Yeon-dong resident
The amount of waste is increasing, and this island has limited space to bury it. I believe that packages should be smaller.
<인터뷰 : 김순복 / 제주시 연동>
"쓰레기 대란 그러면서 제주도는 섬이잖아요. 매립할 곳이 한정돼 있고. 그런 측면에서 실속있게 (포장)하는 게 좋지 않을까 생각합니다."

Food and liquor packaging can be at most 25% empty

Relevant laws limit the empty volume of package to 25 percent of content of food products and alcohol.

Overpackaging practices remain unchanged

However, the overpackaging practice remains unchanged at big supermarkets, traditional markets and online shopping sites.

The excessive packaging increases production costs and the cost is passed on to consumers.

The unnecessary wrapping also creates avoidable trash.

Ko Gyeong-rim / Jeju City municipal administration
The crackdown on overpackaging aims to reduce trash and prevent resource waste.
<인터뷰 : 고경림 / 제주시 생활환경과>
"(이번 단속은) 쓰레기를 줄이고자 하는 취지고 궁극적으로는 자원 낭비를 막기 위한 제도(의 일환입니다)."

[Reporter] Mike Balfour
[Camera] Hyeon Gwang-hoon

Consumers are becoming aware of the unnecessary excessive waste that comes with holiday gift items and are calling for change.

Mike Balfour, KCTV

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