More financial support for April 3rd Incident victims’ funerals
김동국 PD  |
|  2018.10.18 14:47
5. More financial support for April 3rd Incident victims’ funerals
Province doubling aid to ₩3m next year

The provincial government will provide more money to help cover the funeral costs for survivors of the April 3rd Incident.

The province currently contributes 1.5 million won for the services, but it will double that support to 3 million won next year.

There are now 110 survivors of the incident. The province spent 7.5 million won on funerals for five who died in 2018.

4·3 생존희생자 장제비 지원 확대

제주특별자치도가 내년부터 4.3 생존희생자에 대한 장제비 지원을 확대합니다.

지금까지 생존희생자에 대한 장제비로 150만원을 지원했었으나 내년부터 300만원으로 2배 인상하게 됩니다.

현재 4.3 생존희생자는 110명이며,

제주도는 올해 5명에 대해 750만원의 장제비를 지원했습니다.

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