Local police to be introduced in other areas of country
김동국 PD  |  ttiger8@kctvjeju.com
|  2018.11.14 15:47

1. Local police to be introduced in other areas of country
Seoul will cover costs of shifting responsibilities from national police

Authorities will introduce local police forces, like the one in Jeju, to other areas of the nation next year, and the national government will bear the cost of the changes.

The Presidential Committee on Autonomy and Decentralization held a policy debate held at its Seoul office Tuesday to explore ideas on expanding the use of local police forces. The committee pointed out that the Jeju Municipal Police force has only 8 percent of the manpower of the national police. By establishing local police forces for each of the country’s regional governments, authorities envision there being 43,000 local police officers by the year 2022. That would be 36 percent of all police in the nation.

National authorities plan to have local police take over responsibility for fields such as general safety, women’s issues, and traffic. If the national government’s general plan is finalized this month, the National Police Agency will begin detailed planning and legislative procedures to enact the changes on a trial basis by the end of next year.

자치경찰제 확대…재정 '국가부담' 원칙

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대통령소속 자치분권위원회는 13일 정부서울청사에서 열린 자치경찰제 도입 정책토론회에서 이같이 밝히며 자치경찰제 활성화안을 내놓았습니다.

특히 현재 제주 자치경찰은 국가경찰의 8%에 불과하지만 오는 2022년까지 전체 경찰의 36%인 4만 3천 명을 지방직 자치경찰로 전환하고 각 지자체에 자치경찰본부를 신설한다고 설명했습니다.

이를 통해 기존 경찰서에서 담당하던 생활안전과 여성, 교통 등 주민밀착형 사건을 자치경찰로 이관한다는 계획입니다.

정부안이 이번 달 안에 확정되면 소관부처인 경찰청은 세부계획 수립과 입법 절차를 통해 내년 말부터 시범 사업을 실시할 예정입니다.

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