Jeju National Museum extends special exhibition
김동국 PD  |
|  2018.11.14 15:49

5. Jeju National Museum extends special exhibition
‘Tamna: The Ancient State of Jeju’ will run through January 13

Jeju National Museum has extended a special exhibition about the ancient kingdom of Tamna.

“Tamna: The Ancient State of Jeju” sheds light on the people who lived here and the sea-based connections they formed with the outside world. It was scheduled to finish November 4th, but the museum extended the exhibition to January 13th to give students and area residents more opportunities to enjoy it.

The exhibition includes the “Samguk Sagi,” the ancient book in which the first mention is made of the Tamna kingdom. Other displays include ironware excavated from graves in Yongdam-dong, Jeju City as well as examples of the items that Tamna people traded with regions along the southern coast of the Korean Peninsula.

국립제주박물관, '탐라' 특별전 연장

국립제주박물관이 고대 탐라인의 삶과 해양교류를 조명한 특별전 '탐라'를 연장 전시합니다.

이번 전시회는 당초 지난 4일까지 예정됐지만 학생들과 도민들에게 더 많은 관람 기회를 제공하기 우해 전시기간을 내년 1월 13일까지 연장하기로 했습니다.

특별전에선 '탐라국'이 처음 등장하는 ‘삼국사기’를 비롯해 제주시 용담동 무덤에서 출토된 철기 부장품과 남해안지역과의 교역품들을 만날 수 있습니다.

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