Guaranteed 1-year contracts for part-time college instructors
김동국 PD  |
|  2018.11.19 11:53

4. Guaranteed 1-year contracts for part-time college instructors
Assembly’s education committee passes revision to Higher Education Act

Part-time college instructors may soon be guaranteed at least a one-year contract at their schools.

The National Assembly’s education committee has passed a revision to the Higher Education Act that sets one year as the minimum employment period for part-time instructors. Schools will be required to stipulate reasons for not doing so.

They will also be required to provide a written contract for part-time instructors that contains details of the appointment period and wage. Finally, schools will have to pay them during vacation periods.

If the revision passes at a general meeting of the assembly, it will be implemented in August.

대학 시간강사 임용기간 최소 1년 보장

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개정안이 본회의를 통과하면 내년 8월부터 시행됩니다.

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