‘Governor should resign’
김동국 PD  |  ttiger8@kctvjeju.com
|  2018.12.10 14:13

2. ‘Governor should resign’
Opponents plan weekly candlelight vigils beginning Saturday

Critics of the governor’s decision are planning their next moves.

A local umbrella organization comprising 30 civic groups and political parties held an emergency press conference Friday afternoon at the Provincial Council building. Representatives blasted the governor’s decision as “deceitful” by pointing out that previous public opinion research had determined that most locals were against the hospital.

They vowed to hold candlelight vigils every Saturday beginning December 15th calling on Governor Won Heeryong to both revoke his decision to allow the opening of the nation’s first for-profit hospital and step down from the governorship.

“원지사 도민 기만, 퇴진 집회" 예고

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