Jeju Peasants League seeks reversal of hospital decision
김동국 PD  |
|  2018.12.11 15:13

2. Jeju Peasants League seeks reversal of hospital decision
‘Unconstitutional for hospital to deny treatment to Korean citizens’

In related news, the Jeju office of the Korean Peasants League released a statement Monday insisting that the approval for Greenland International Hospital be revoked.

The group argued that the opening of a for-profit hospital will polarize medical treatment and lead to a surge in medical costs. That, it said, would further burden farmers, who are often plagued with debt and disease.

The office also argued that it was unconstitutional for the government to authorize a hospital at which Korean citizens are barred from treatment. Finally, the group said the government should improve the public medical care system so that all citizens can enjoy the benefits of free medical care.

농민단체, "영리병원 설립 허가 철회해야"

전국농민회총연맹 제주도연맹이 10일 성명을 내고 제주도의 영리병원 설립허가 결정을 철회하라고 촉구했습니다.

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