Honam newspaper articles about April 3rd Incident discovered
김동국 PD  |  ttiger8@kctvjeju.com
|  2018.12.12 14:47

3. Honam newspaper articles about April 3rd Incident discovered
7 stories from July 1948

A decades-old series of articles about the April 3rd Incident have been found in a mainland local newspaper.

Dr. (주철희) Ju Cheol-hee discovered the articles in a Honam paper. The seven-article series ran from July 15th to the 22nd in 1948. It was titled “Finding Jeju Island in Wartime.”

The articles covered the damage caused during the April 3rd Incident, including that to local villages. They also called for a policy of reform and pacification regarding local citizens who were not involved in the riots.

Dr. Ju said the series of articles is valuable because it represents first-hand reports of the April 3rd Incident by someone from the mainland who came here for coverage.

'호남신문 4·3 특집 기사' 발굴

4.3 사건 당시 상황을 보도한 다른 지역 언론사의 신문 자료가 발굴됐습니다.

자료를 발굴한 주철희 박사에 따르면 호남신문은 지난 1948년 7월 15일부터 22일까지 '동란의 제주도를 찾아서'라는 타이틀로 7 차례에 걸쳐 4.3 특집기사를 보도했습니다.

발굴된 신문 자료에는 4.3 사건 피해 마을과 피해 실태, 그리고 폭도가 아닌 시민에 대해 교화선무책이 필요하다는 보도내용 등이 담겨있습니다.

주철희 박사는 외지인이 직접 제주에와 취재한 4.3 자료라는 점에서 가치가 높다고 평가했습니다.

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