Tougher Drunk Driving Punishments
김동국 PD  |
|  2018.12.12 14:52
The National Assembly recently approved tougher punishments for drunk driving. The standards for having one’s license suspended or revoked are much stricter, and even passengers in a car driven by a drunk driver will face charges. Joseph Kim reports.

Sangchang-ri, Andeok-myeon (March 15, 2018)

The front part of the taxi on the road is severely damaged.

One killed in car accident caused by drunk driver

One was killed at a car accident on the way returning home after a meeting between the families of a bride and a bridegroom.

The unlicensed driver who caused the accident had a blood alcohol content of 0.106 percent.

The government’s Driving Under the Influence or DUI standards have been tighter to root out the repeated tragedies on roads.

National Assembly approves stricter DUI standards

A bill to amend the Road Traffic Act was passed at the National Assembly last Friday to change DUI standards for stronger enforcement as well as punitive measures for the first time in 57 years.

### C.G IN
Currently, a driver’s license can be suspended if the blood alcohol content is 0.05 percent or higher and is revoked if it is 0.10 percent or higher.

Those levels will be lowered to 0.03 percent for suspension and 0.08 for revocation.
### C.G OUT
That means a person behind the wheel after having a couple of shots of soju can be charged with a DUI.

Additional penalties will be given to drunk driving repeat offenders.

### C.G IN
If a driver is caught twice for DUI, he or she will be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of between two and five years or a fine of between 10 million and 20 million won.
### C.G OUT

The amendment will be affected beginning December 18th.

Passengers can be charged with aiding and abetting DUI

Passengers in a vehicle driven by a drunk driver will be charged with aiding and abetting a DUI.

Last year, eight passengers were caught for abetting DUI.

At drinking party, you should stop drunk friends or colleagues from driving.

Oh Im-gwan / Jeju Provincial Police Agency
Passengers in a vehicle driven by a drunk driver will be charged with aiding and abetting a DUI. If a superior gets in a subordinate’s car knowing that he or she is drunk, the superior will be punished too.
<인터뷰 : 오임관 / 제주지방경찰청 안전계장>
"음주운전 차량에 동승한 동승자에게도 음주운전자와 똑같이 방조범으로 처벌이 됩니다. 예를 들어 부서 회식시에 부하가 술을 마신 것을 알면서도 상사가 부하직원의 음주운전 차량에 탑승했다면 음주운전 방조범으로 처벌됩니다."

Despite increased efforts at public awareness, driving under the influence remains a problem.

[Reporter] Joseph Kim
[Camera] Park Byeong-joon

But beginning next Tuesday, not even a single shot of soju will be permitted for drivers.

Joseph Kim, KCTV

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