Jeju fuel prices continue to fall
김동국 PD  |
|  2018.12.14 16:00
2. Jeju fuel prices continue to fall
Down nearly ₩300 since early October

Fuel prices in Jeju have been falling since the national government cut fuel taxes.

According to the Korea National Oil Corporation’s Opinet, local gasoline was selling for an average of 1,448 won per liter as of December 14th. That’s a nearly 300 won drop compared to early October.

The corporation says fuel prices will continue to decline for the time being due to the tax cut and a drop in international oil prices.

제주지역 기름값 계속 하락

정부의 유류세 인하 조치 이후 제주도내 기름값이 계속 하락하고 있습니다.

한국석유공사 오피넷에 따르면 13일 기준 제주지역 휘발유값은 리터당 1448원으로 지난 10월 초부터 지속적으로 하락해 300원 가까이 떨어졌습니다.

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