Signboard hung at Jeju Innovation Growth Center
김동국 PD  |
|  2018.12.14 16:13

4. Signboard hung at Jeju Innovation Growth Center
Officials aim to form ecosystem for startups

A new center is opening to create a startup ecosystem on the island.

As part of the lead-up to the official opening of the Jeju Innovation Growth Center, representatives of the Jeju Free International City Development Center held a signboard-hanging ceremony on Thursday. The growth center is housed in the Jeju Science Park’s Semiyang Building, the former offices for (모뉴엘) Monuel.

It is equipped with offices, research areas, and cultural space. Officials want the center to become a home for new businesses as well as companies and research agencies related to autonomous electric vehicles and the ICT-based culture industry.

JDC, 제주혁신성장센터 본격 가동

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