Jeju United calls up 6 from U-18 team
김동국 PD  |
|  2019.01.07 14:38

4. Jeju United calls up 6 from U-18 team
List includes top scorer from major tournament last year

The Jeju United Football Club has called up six players from its youth team.

The team first called up Seo Jin-su and (이동률) Lee Dong-ryul from the team, whose players are all 18 or under. It then signed Kim Seung-woo, Lee Gu-hyeok, Lim Deok-geun, Kim Young-uk as free agents.

Seo Jin-su, who graduated from Jeju Broadcasting Correspondence High School, played a leading role in a major win for the under-18 team last year. He was the top scorer in the 42nd Korea National High School Football Championship, which is hosted by the culture minister.

제주Utd, '유스 출신' 신인 6명 영입

제주유나이티드가 유소년팀 출신의 신인 6명을 영입했습니다.

제주는 18살 이하 유소년팀 출신 서진수와 이동률을 우선지명으로, 김승우, 이규혁, 임덕근, 김영욱을 자유선발로 영입했다고 밝혔습니다

특히 제주방송통신고등학교 출신의 서진수 지난해 제42회 문체부장관기 전국고교축구대회에서 득점왕을 차지하며 제주 유스팀 우승을 이끈 주역입니다.

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