Jeju City gauging demand for foreign seasonal workers
김동국 PD  |
|  2019.01.14 14:42
4. Jeju City gauging demand for foreign seasonal workers
Each farm allowed to hire up to 4 laborers for 90 days

Jeju City is surveying local farms through January 25th to gauge the demand for foreign workers during this year’s busy season.

Farms often struggle to hire enough help when they need it most.

The city is surveying farms that have expressed interest in hiring foreign seasonal workers as well as foreign nationals who married local residents and who would like to participate in this project.

One farm can hire up to 4 seasonal workers for 90 days.

Jeju City officials will select the farms and seasonal workers by the end of March.

25일까지 외국인 계절근로자 수요 조사

제주시가 오는 25일까지 농번기 일손부족 해소를 위한 외국인 계절근로자 사업 수요를 조사합니다.

조사 대상은 외국인 계절근로자 고용 희망 농가와 사업 참여를 희망하는 결혼이민자 등입니다.

농가는 90일 동안 계절근로자를 4명까지 고용할 수 있습니다.

제주시는 오는 3월 참여 농가와 계절근로자를 선정할 계획입니다.

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