Hanon Crater to be incorporated into Jeju Olle activities
김동국 PD  |  ttiger8@kctvjeju.com
|  2019.02.07 14:38
5. Hanon Crater to be incorporated into Jeju Olle activities
Seogwipo spending ₩50m on project this year

Korea’s largest maar crater will be developed into a Jeju Olle trail that highlights nature-based experiences and exploration.

Seogwipo will spend 50 million won this year to develop the trail at the Hanon Crater and Wetland.

Officials say doing so will help over 10,000 Olle hikers experience what the area has to offer.

City representatives will discuss the project with area landowners. They want to offer visitors the chance to plant and harvest rice, as well as other activities.

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