Province strengthening oversight of casinos
김동국 PD  |
|  2019.02.12 15:01

1. Province strengthening oversight of casinos
Changes include inspection teams and operating standards

The provincial government is strengthening its oversight of the casino industry.

Authorities will check to see if the facilities are following all required procedures regarding the admittance of foreign gamblers. They will also inspect the operations of electronic games and tables as well as casino revenue to ensure that the province is collecting all of the tourism development funding it is owed.

Inspection teams will be onsite to oversee operations during especially busy times. If necessary, the inspectors will analyze surveillance camera footage.

Finally, the province will finalize and implement operating standards at the casinos, so they are not run differently from one another

카지노 산업 관리감독 강화…현장 점검반 운영

제주특별자치도가 카지노 산업의 관리감독을 강화합니다.

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제주관광진흥기금 부과를 위한 카지노 매출액 조사를 중점 점검합니다.

특히 카지노 현장 점검반을 운영해 고객 집중 시간대에 집중 확인하고 필요할 경우 영업장 CCTV 녹화물을 분석합니다.

이와 함께 카지노별 상이한 영업방식을 개선하고 표준화된 운영기준을 마련해 시행합니다.

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