Official land values in Jeju rise 9.74%
김동국 PD  |
|  2019.02.14 15:05
3. Official land values in Jeju rise 9.74%
Not as much as in recent years, but still above national average

The growth in official land values in Jeju has slowed, but it is still higher than the national average.

Land ministry representatives say the appraised value of a standard lot in January increased by 9.58 percent in Jeju City and 9.92 percent in Seogwipo. The average growth island-wide was 9.74 percent.

That figure was roughly 15 to 20 percent annually from 2016 to 2018. Even though it fell below 10 percent this year, it’s still north of the national average.

Land values rose the most in Jeju City in (우도면) Udo-myeon, at 12.72 percent. In Seogwipo, they skyrocketed 38.8 percent in (구억리) Gueok-ri, (대정읍) Daejeong-eup.

제주 공시지가 9.74% 올라…상승률 한풀 꺾여

제주지역의 표준지 공시지가 상승률이 한풀 꺾였지만 여전히 전국 평균보다 높게 나타났습니다.

국토교통부에 따르면 올해 1월 기준 제주시 표준지 공시지가는 지난해보다 9.58%, 서귀포시의 경우 9.92% 올라 평균 상승률은 9.74%로 조사됐습니다.

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