Jeju International University has new president
김동국 PD  |
|  2019.02.18 15:45
6. Jeju International University has new president
Professor Gang Cheol-joon was chosen from among 3 candidates

(강철준) Gang Cheol-joon is the new president of Jeju International University.

The Dongwon Educational Foundation board of directors selected the JIU Fintech Business Administration Department professor to lead the school. Gang graduated from Yonsei University with a degree in economics. He has also worked as the director of Jeju International University’s administration business team and as an outside director of the Korea Development Bank. He is now a member of the Jeju Integrated Fund Deliberation Committee.

(강철준) Gang was one of three candidates for the position. The others were the Department of Automotive Mechanical Engineering Professor (김홍석) Kim Hong-seok and (문순영) Moon Soon-yeong, a senior researcher at the Research Institute for Regional Government and Economy of Korea.

제주국제대 신임 총장에 강철준 교수

강철준 제주국제대 핀텍경영학과 교수가 제주국제대 신임 총장으로 선출됐습니다.

학교법인 동원교육학원은 최근 이사회를 열어 이같이 결정했습니다.

신임 강철준 총장은 연세대학교 경제학과 출신으로 제주국제대 경영사업단장과
한국산업은행 사외이사를 역임하고 현재 제주도 통합기금심의위원으로 활동하고 있습니다.

한편 이번 선거에는 강철준 핀텍경영학과 교수와 김홍석 자동차기계공학과 교수,
문순영 한국자치경제연구원 책임연구원이 출사표를 던져 3파전으로 치러졌습니다.

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