Governor supports women on International Women’s Day
김동국 PD  |
|  2019.03.11 11:36
3. Governor supports women on International Women’s Day
Makes promises to support coexistence of work and family

In a speech commemorating International Women’s Day on Friday, Governor Won Hee-ryong made a pledge to make efforts to create a culture where work and family can coexist.

He announced that he will make greater efforts to improve childcare support systems, such as the Sunuleum(수눌음) Childcare Share Center and the Idolbom (아이돌봄) Childcare Service.

The governor emphasized that customized job support policies will be implemented to help career-interrupted women expand their engagement in society.

Greater measures will also be taken to strengthen existing gender equality policies by increasing participation from female leaders and members in the administration.

원희룡 지사 "일 - 가정 양립 환경 조성"

원희룡 지사가
8일 여성의 날을 맞아
일-가정이 양립하는 환경 조성에 힘쓰겠다고 밝혔습니다.

원 지사는 여성의 날 축하메시지를 통해
수눌음육아 나눔터와 아이돌봄서비스 등
육아지원 체계를 튼튼히 구축하고

경력단절 여성에게는
맞춤형 일자리 지원 정책을 마련해
사회참여를 확대하겠다고 강조했습니다.

아울러 행정 분야에서도
여성 간부와 여성 위원 참여를 높이는 등
성평등 정책을 내실화하겠다고 덧붙였습니다.

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