Court judges in favor of Yerae Complex land owners
김동국 PD  |
|  2019.03.15 12:17
2. Court judges in favor of Yerae Complex land owners
Reconciliation measures are declared illegitimate

The previous land owners of the now-defunct Yerae Residential Resort Complex have received a favorable ruling in their lawsuit to revise the reconciliation measures made by previously by the court.

Chief Senior Judge Lee Jae-gwon(이재권) of the Jeju administrative department at the Gwangju High Court has ruled partially in favor of the land owners. Eleven land owners filed a lawsuit against JDC and the Jeju Provincial Land Expropriation Committee to cancel the land expropriation decision.

Chief Senior Judge Lee explained that the construction permit for Yerae Complex has become invalid, so the recommended reconciliation measures are no longer legitimate.

법원, 예래단지 화해권고결정 '취소'

예래휴양형주거단지에 수용된 토지주 가운데
JDC와 법정다툼을 벌이다 화해권고결정을 받은 토지주들이
재차 토지반환 소송에 나서 승소했습니다.

광주고등법원 제주 제1행정부 이재권 수석부장판사는
서귀포시 예래동 토지주 A씨 등 11명이
JDC와 제주도 지방토지수용위원회를 상대로 제기한
토지수용 재결처분 취소 소송에서
원고 일부 승소 판결을 내렸습니다.

예래단지 인허가 처분이 무효인 만큼
인가처분을 전제로 한 화해권고결정은 정당하지 않다고
판결 이유를 설명했습니다.

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