Province targets delinquent taxpayers
김동국 PD  |
|  2019.04.10 15:51
4. Province targets delinquent taxpayers
Strengthened administrative sanctions to be imposed

The provincial government imposing substantial administrative sanctions against habitual and large sum delinquent taxpayers.

Taxation officers will conduct house-to-house searches and execute tax levies upon delinquent taxpayers capable of paying taxes.

Officers will also file criminal charges for those evading taxes through concealment of property and identity theft.

Authorities will also request prohibition of departure against those owing taxes without proper excuse and likely to flee abroad. Officials will search for valid passports and foreign currency remittance statements.

고액·상습 체납자 행정제재 강화

고액 또는 상습 체납자에 대한 행정제재를 강화합니다.

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가택수색을 통한 압류를 적극 활용합니다.

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법무부에 출국금지 조치를 요청한다는 방침입니다.

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