New int'l school plan scrutinized
김동국 PD  |
|  2019.05.14 14:54
The superintendent of education, Lee Seok Moon announced that his office will examine the Anglo-Chinese School of Singapore’s proposal to enter the Jeju Global Education City.

The superintendent stressed that he will look closely into the school’s capability to run its campus in Jeju.

Joseph Kim reports.

[slug] Education office to examine plans for ACS Jeju campus

The provincial office of education is examining foundation plans for the Jeju campus of the Anglo-Chinese School of Singapore on May 27th.

[slug] Evaluation to focus on ACS’s operational capability

The examination will focus on the Singapore-based school's capabilities to operate its campus in the island's Global Education City.

[slug] Education office: school lacks starting capital and legal grounds

The starting capital of the school’s corporate body that applied for the establishment of the Jeju campus is only 10 million won.

And the educational office judges that the school’s investment plans for the foundation and initial operation are not legally binding.

[slug] ACS representatives to attend examination session

For the first time, employees of the international school will attend the deliberation session and respond to questions from the officials.

Lee Seok-mun / Superintendent of Education
The approval process of a new international has never been easy for all related parties. Even approving SJA was facing opposals till the last minute. The deliberation committee will closely evaluate ACS’s plans and capabilities.
[녹취 이석문 / 제주도교육감 ]
"SJA 심의할때도 막판까지 (허가) 하느냐 논란이 있었죠. 그 연장선에서 우려스럽고 심의위원회에서 모든 조건을 보면서 심의할 것이라 고 봅니다."

[slug] Changes in Jeju Global Education City are variables to approval

During the examination, the changing environment around international schools will be considered.

[slug] Student enrollment of int’l school in Jeju under quota

Four international schools in Jeju have failed to reach the full quota of enrolled students.

This is why educational authorities negatively view the foundation of additional international schools .

The total number of teenagers also dropped due to the nation’s low birth rate, which would aggravate the problem.

The education office worries about a possible decrease in the quality of education.

Lee Seok-mun / Superintendent of Education
The Jeju Global Education City was first established to attract students who are considering to study abroad. However, not many students want to study abroad anymore and only students from wealthy families can afford the expensive tuition of int’l schools.
[녹취 이석문 / 제주도교육감 ]
"(영어교육도시) 원래 목적이 해외 유학을 흡수하기 위한 것인데 해외 유학 (수요도) 확 줄었구요. 제주도민 전체 입장도 있죠. 도민 가운데서도 부모가 경제력이 있는 1%만 다니는 것이 분명하고요."

The JDC has previously invested in the establishment of international schools in Jeju, but the planned foundation of the ACS is different, with the ACS directly investing the money to found a local campus for the first time in Jeju.

[Reporter] Joseph Kim
[Camera] Park Byeong-june

But a tough road is expected for the Singapore-based school to get foundation approval as the education authorities are thoroughly looking at the school’s financing plans and operational capabilities.

Joseph Kim, KCTV

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