Province reveals fixed agenda for new airport
김동국 PD  |
|  2019.05.20 14:44

1. Province reveals fixed agenda for new airport
Land ministry to finalize basic plan on June 23

Governor Won Hee-ryong held a press conference on May 20th and released details of a fixed agenda regarding the basic plan of the island’s second airport. Local officials will gather public opinion on the newly released information through June 18th.

The agenda includes plans to offer support services to local residents residing near the site of the second airport and a scheme for the local government to secure management of the new airport. It also stresses a need to list factors to consider when allocating responsibilities between the two airports.

Governor Won also suggested national-funded projects related to the new airport, such as establishing convenient infrastructure in nearby cities and improving the living conditions of Seongsan-eup by expanding infrastructure facilities.

Won also included plans to introduce new modes of transportation and roads connecting the second airport to other areas of the island and to foster an increased workforce in the aviation industry.

Local residents can submit their opinions through the local government’s official website or the airport expansion support committee until June 18th. A public hearing on the basic plan of the airport will be held on May 23rd at the Jeju sports center.

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport will hold the final briefing session on June 19th and finalize the basic plan of the new airport on June 23rd.

제2공항 기본계획 반영 과제 공개…의견수렴

제주 제2공항 기본계획에 반영할 과제를 공개하고
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현 제주공항과 제2공항간 역할 분담의 필요성과 고려사항 등입니다.

또 2공항 개발과 연계한 국가 지원 사업으로
배후도시 관련 지원과
성산지역 정주환경 개선, 기반시설 확충을 제시했습니다.

이와 함께 공항과 연계한 신교통수단 도입과
제2공항과 기존 도심 간 연계도로 확충,
항공산업 인력 육성 계획을 포함했습니다.

제주도는 다음달 18일까지
홈페이지와 공항확충지원단을 통해 의견을 접수하고 있으며
오는 23일 제주도체육회관에서
제주시 지역에 대한 공청회를 개최할 예정입니다.

국토부의 제2공항 기본계획 수립용역은 다음달 23일 마무리되며
이에 앞서 19일 최종보고회를 열게 됩니다.

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