New Airport To Do List
김동국 PD  |
|  2019.05.22 14:49
The province has released the interim basic plans for the island's second airport and it is seeking public opinion from the local residents for a month.

The basic plans include support for area residents, airport management, role sharing between the two airports and introduction of new transport routes to and from the new airport.

Todd Thacker reports.

In putting together the basic plans for the island's second airport, the province has identified three major tasks that should first be addressed.

Priority Tasks for New Airport Basic Plan
- Support services for area residents
- Province securing Airport Management
- Role sharing between two airports

These include support services for area residents, details regarding airport management, and role sharing between the two airports.

[slug] To offer publicly owned land as compensation for farms and graves

For farmers in the planned location of the airport, the provincial government suggests allocating publicly owned land for farming and to relocate livestock. Transfering 2,000 graves to a different cemetery is also under discussion.

For the management of the airport, the province suggests funding the airport in the short-term and establishing a public corporation for long-term operations.

Priority Tasks for New Airport Basic Plan
Participating in Airport management
Short-term: Funding airport operations
Long-term: Establishing a public corporation

A previous feasibility study suggested that the current airport handle 50 percent of domestic flights and that the new airport cover the remainder of domestic flights and all international flights.

The province's current basic plans, however, propose more flexible role sharing between the two airports. They cite many examples in the aviation market that have shown that fixed role sharing between airports is generally unsuccessful.

Role Sharing Between Two Airports
Previous feasibility studies:
Current airport to handle 50% domestic flights
New airport to cover 50% domestic, 100% int’l flights

Basic plans: Flexible role sharing

Regarding the national government's role in establishing a new airport here, the province is including Seoul in the process, as well as developing ways to improve the quality of life of local residents.

To this end, the basic plans include the creation of an urban area and an industrial complex focusing on new growth engines near the proposed site. Improvements in the residential environment and infrastructure for the Seongsan area are also suggested. New transport routes to and from the new airport, and the building of roads linking the airport and downtown, are included in the basic plans.

Related Projects of New Airport Basic Plans:
- Creation of urban area and industrial complex
- Improvement of residential environment and infrastructure
- Introduction of new transport routes
- New roads linking the airport and downtown
- Development of manpower for aviation industry

The province is seeking input from the public on the details of the basic plans through June 18.

[slug] Public opinion being sought by June 18
[slug] 2 public hearings planned

Two public hearings are planned for this Thursday (May 23) in Jeju City and next month in Seogwipo City.

Won Heeryong / Governor
I promise to do my best to lead the biggest national project in Jeju to create a successful second airport based on local residents’ opinions.
씽크)원희룡 제주특별자치도지사
도민 여러분이 보내주시는 의견을 정성스럽게 모아서 제2공항을 진정한 제주의 미래의 공항으로 완성시켜 나갈 수 있도록 도지사가 앞장서서 사상 최대 규모인 국책사업을 착실히 뒷받침해 나가겠다는 약속을 드립니다.

[slug] Basic plans to be finalized by June 23

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport will present their findings on June 19th and finalize the basic plans by June 23rd.

[Reporter] Todd Thacker
[Camera] Kim Seung-cheol
[CG] So Ki-hoon

Islanders will be notified of the finalized basic plans in September. Then the plans will become legally binding and construction on the new facility can begin. The next step will be drawing up a set of implementation plans and making land compensation payments.

Todd Thacker, KCTV

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