Opening of the Jeju Regional Emergency Medical Center
김동국 PD  |
|  2020.03.30 11:56
6. Opening of the Jeju Regional Emergency Medical Center
Center provides treatment for traumatic injuries

A treatment facility exclusively for trauma response, named the Jeju Regional Emergency Medical Center, has begun operation.

Jeju Halla Hospital has opened a community trauma center with specialized equipment such as intensive care units, operating rooms and medical personnel dedicated to trauma patients.

The community trauma center is the first in Jeju and the 15th in the nation. The trauma center treats patients with severe injuries within what’s known as the golden time for recovery. Trauma injuries include car accidents, and pedestrian accidents.

About 500 severely injured patients will be able to receive treatment within Jeju Island each year. In addition, serious patients will receive financial benefits according to special policies for traumatic injuries.

6. 제주 권역외상센터 개소…중증환자 전담 치료

중증 외상환자 전용 치료 시설인 제주권역외상센터가
본격 운영에 들어갔습니다.

중환자실, 수술실 등 전문 장비와
외상환자 전담 의료인력을 갖춘
권역외상센터를 개소했습니다.

추락이나 자동차 사고, 보행자 교통사고처럼
심각한 외상을 입은 환자를
골든타임 내에 치료하게 되며
제주에서는 처음이며, 전국에서 15번째로 개소했습니다.

한해 평균 500여 명의 중증외상환자들이
제주에서 치료받을 수 있게 됐으며
중증질환자 특례에 따라 경제적 혜택도 받을 수 있게 됩니다.

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