Mitigation of JDC Duty Free Shop purchasing limits
김동국 PD  |
|  2020.04.06 15:10
Mitigation of JDC Duty Free Shop purchasing limits
A bottle of liquor, a carton of cigarettes excluded from US$600 limit

The purchase limit for consumers at designated duty-free shops operated by the Jeju International Free City Development Center is being revised.

The JDC announced that commodities like alcohol and cigarettes have been designated as separate duty-free items and are excluded from the purchasing limits as a result of revised regulations on duty-free shops.

As a result, the purchase price for a bottle of liquor and a carton of cigarettes will be excluded from the current limit of US$600.

The purchase of commodities from JDC designated duty-free stores is available up to six times a year per person.

6. JDC 지정면세점 구매 한도 확대

제주국제자유도시개발센터가 운영하는
지정면세점의 구매 한도가 확대됐습니다.

JDC는 면세점 특례 규정 개정안이 시행됨에 따라
주류와 담배가
별도 면세물품으로 지정돼
구매 한도에서 제외됐다고 밝혔습니다.

이에따라 1회 구매 한도 미화 600달러에서
주류 1병과
담배 1보루에 대한 구매 금액은 제외됩니다.

JDC 지정 면세점은
한명당 연간 6번까지 이용할 수 있습니다.

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