Court: 'KAL Hotel needs to restore the public road used without permission'
김동국 PD  |
|  2020.05.27 15:05
Court: 'KAL Hotel needs to restore the public road used without permission'
KAL Hotel blcoks entrance of Olle Trail no.6

The court ruled that the Seogwipo KAL Hotel, which caused controversy over privatization of the landscape by blocking Jeju Olle trail #6, which has occupied public land without permission for the past 35 years.

On the 26th, the Jeju District Court's First Administration (Senior Judge Kim Hyun-ryong) ruled against the plaintiff in a lawsuit filed by Kal Hotel Network Co., a Hanjin affiliate. The KAL hotel network was trying to block Seogwipo City's request to restore the land to its original state.

Hanjin Group has used three blocks of land across from the Seogwipo KAL Hotel in Seogwipo as private property.

The site is designated as a road, but no actual road has been opened. Three lots overlap with the hotel site and one of them blocks Olle trail #6

The KAL hotel network has reportedly paid the compensation to Seogwipo city, but had refused the restoration order.

5. "서귀포칼호텔, 무단 점유 도로 원상복구 해야"

올레길 6코스 폐쇄로 불거진
서귀포칼호텔의 부지 내 도로 무단 점유 논란과 관련해
원상복구 해야 한다는 법원의 판결이 나왔습니다.

제주지방법원 제1행정부 김현룡 부장판사는
한진그룹 산하 칼호텔네트워크가
서귀포시를 상대로 제기한
원상복구명령과 계고처분 취소 소송에서
원고의 청구를 기각했습니다.

앞서 서귀포시는 지난 2018년 5월
서귀포칼호텔이 도로 3필지를 무단 사용한 데 대해
변상금 부과와 원상복구를 명령했습니다.

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