Drone Delivery Service is the future?
김동국 PD  |  ttiger8@kctvjeju.com
|  2020.06.10 11:14
The province has been successful in delivering face masks to islands off of Jeju’s coast by using drones.
Now, drones are carrying snacks to students in rural areas. The snack delivery project is a test to see if drone delivery service is a feasible business.
Joseph Kim reports.

A large drone is flying above the elementary school.
The aerial mechanism is delivering snacks for young students.

It flies 800 meters from a nearby gas station to transport snacks.
Kids are excited to observe this new method of delivery.

The province, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, and one of the domestic oil companies worked together for the drone delivery service.

The province has introduced drones to deliver face masks to (가파도) Gapado Island and (마라도) Marado Island as contacts between persons are discouraged to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
This is the second attempt to test if the drone delivery service is feasible for remote areas.

The province is relaxing regulations on drones and expanding drone involved services.

Won Heeryong / Governor
Currently, regulations state that drones should be visible by the operator at all times which only allows for a small number of drones to be in operation. My office is relaxing rigid regulations to expand drone-involved services.
<싱크 : 원희룡 / 제주특별자치도지사>
"지금은 우리 눈앞에서 (드론을) 소규모로 날리는 것만 허용되고 있는데요. 제주도가 이 규제를 없애면서 그 영역을 하나하나 실증적으로 넓혀가고 있습니다."

The test is increasing expectations for the further development of drone delivery services.

Joseph Kim, KCTV

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