Province finalizes administrative reorganization plan
김동국 PD  |
|  2020.07.01 15:09
2. Province finalizes administrative reorganization plan
Will maintain the Tourism Bureau and Haenyeo Heritage Division

Jeju Island has confirmed the reorganization plan for the second half of the Governor Won's term.

The Jeju provincial government said it will finalize a reorganization plan to reduce the number of administrative departments from 15 to 14 as well as reduce the number of district departments. Jeju City Municipal Office will remove one division and Seogwipo City office will have one division removed along with one department.The plan will be submitted at the provisional meeting of the Jeju Provincial Council to be held on July 2nd.

The tourism bureau and the Haenyeo Cultural Heritage Division, which originally planned to be merged, said they would maintain the current system after considering the opinions of the provincial council and local organizations. They will reorganize the department of investment and trade under the Economic Bureau.

With the adjustments to the reorganization plan, the number of personnel reduction has also been decreased from 24 to 20.

3. 제주도 조직개편안 확정…'관광국·해녀유산과' 유지

민선7기 후반기 조직개편안을 확정했습니다.

도 본청을 15국에서 14국으로 1국을 줄이고
행정시도 1국 2과를 축소하는
조직개편안을 확정하고
다음달(7월) 2일 열리는 제주도의회 임시회에
제출한다고 밝혔습니다.

당초 통폐합하려던 관광국과 해녀문화유산과는
도의회와 지역 단체 의견을 수렴해
현행 체제를 유지하고
관광국에 있던 투자유치과만
경제국 산하 투자통상국으로 개편한다고 설명했습니다.

조직개편안이 일부 조정되면서
감축되는 정원도 24명에서 20명으로 줄었습니다.

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