Appointees of the Provincial Assembly finalized
김동국 PD  |
|  2020.07.06 07:55
5. Appointees of the Provincial Assembly finalized
Moon Jong-tae voted as Chairman of the Budget and Accounts Committee

Appointees of the Jeju Provincial Council have been finalized on July 3rd with the election of the Special Committee on Budget & Accounts and the Special Committee on Ethics.

Moon Jong-tae (문종태) was elected as the third Chairman of the Special Committee on Budget and Accounts of the 11th Jeju Provincial Council with Kang Chul-nam (강철남) being appointed as Vice Chairman.

Kim Yong-beom (김용범) was elected chairman of the parliamentary steering committee and will be in charge of the Ethics Committee.

The Jeju Provincial Council will hold a meeting on the 13th to review the supplementary budget bill and deal with various ordinances to begin full-fledged activities.

5. 도의회 원구성 마무리…예결위원장 '문종태' 의원

제주도의회는 3일 예산결산특별위원장과
윤리특위원장 선출을 마지막으로 원구성을 모두 마무리했습니다.

제11대 제주도의회 3기 예산결산특별위원장에는
문종태 의원이,
부위원장에는 강철남 의원이 선출됐습니다.

의회운영위원장으로 선출된 김용범 의원이 맡게 됐습니다.

후반기 원구성을 마무리한 제주도의회는
13일부터 추경예산안 심사와
각종 조례안건 처리를 위한
임시회를 열고 본격적인 활동에 들어갈 예정입니다.

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