Separating transparent plastic bottles for recycling to be made mandatory
김동국 PD  |
|  2020.07.08 07:50
6. Separating transparent plastic bottles for recycling to be made mandatory
New policy to be rolled out first at multi-family residentials by year end

A new policy mandating the separate collection of transparent plastic bottles for recycling will soon come into effect.

The Ministry of Environment will enact a new law by the end of the year to separate transparent plastic bottles. The policy will first come into effect for multi-family residential buildings and complexes, followed by single family homes and clean houses by the end of the next year.

The bottles will be recycled into materials used in the production of bags and shoes.

The administrative cities will test-run the new separation policy by placing collection boxes exclusively for transparent plastic bottles at recycling centers and apartments.

6. 공동주택 '투명 페트병' 분리배출 의무화

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