Residual pesticides on agricultural products within permissible range
김동국 PD  |
|  2020.09.09 10:33
Residual pesticides on agricultural products within permissible range
16% of crops tested with pesticides this year

Tests have been conducted to measure the level of residual pesticides in agricultural products distributed across the province, and the results show that all have levels within the suitable range.

The Jeju Institute of Health and Environment said they tested 280 agricultural products distributed across the province up until last month and found that the pesticide levels have met the standards.

Although residual pesticides were found in 47 products, they were all under the permissible level.

The ratio of crops with residual pesticides has decreased from 37% in 2018 and 26% in 2019 to 16% this year.

5. 도내 유통 농산물, 잔류농약검사 '적합' 판정

도내에서 유통되는 농산물 잔류농약 검사 결과
모두 적합한 것으로 판정됐습니다.

제주도 보건환경연구원은
올 들어 지난달까지
도내에서 유통된 농산물 280여 건을 대상으로
잔류농약을 검사한 결과
모두 적합 판정을 받았다고 밝혔습니다.

다만 47건의 농산물에서
잔류 농약이 미량 검출됐지만
허용 기준치 이내로 확인됐습니다.

검사한 농산물에서 농약이 검출되는 비율은
지난 2018년 37%, 지난해 26%에서
올해 16%로 낮아졌습니다.
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