Jeju City to collect waste during Chuseok holiday as scheduled
김동국 PD  |
|  2020.09.21 07:46
Jeju City to collect waste during Chuseok holiday as scheduled
More workers to be hired

Jeju City has prepared garbage collection and disposal measures in preparation for the increase in the amount of waste generated during the Chuseok holiday.

The city will collect garbage from 5 a.m. from the first day of the Chuseok holiday on the 30th until October 4th, and will only adjust the time on the day of Chuseok.

Flammable waste and recyclables can be thrown out during the holiday season, but the disposal of large-scale waste and styrofoam will be restricted to the weekdays.

Jeju City plans to hire additional workers in garbage collection to prevent any gaps within the scheduled pick up timetable during the holiday season.

4. 제주시, 추석 연휴 생활쓰레기 정상 수거

추석 연휴 쓰레기 발생량이 늘어날 것에 대비해
수거 처리 대책을 마련했습니다.

추석 연휴 첫날인 30일부터 10월 4일까지
새벽 5시부터 쓰레기를 정상 수거하고
추석 당일만 조정됩니다.

가연성폐기물과 재활용품은
연휴기간 배출이 가능하지만
대형 폐기물과 스티로폼은
주말에는 배출이 제한됩니다.

연휴기간 쓰레기 수거 공백이 없도록
대체인력을 확대 투입할 계획입니다.

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