Cabbage Carries Hefty Price Tag
김동국 PD  |
|  2020.10.19 11:20


The price of Chinese cabbage that is used for making (김치) Kimchi is skyrocketing.
While prices for the vegetable are dropping on the mainland, here in Jeju the crop still carries a hefty price tag.
As the kimchi-making season is fast approaching, the price hike places yet another burden on the household economy.
Joseph Kim reports.


Shopper at Dongmun Traditional Market
How much is the Chinese cabbage? (10,000 won.) It’s still expensive. (It’s down from 14,000 won.) I should put off making kimchi until prices of the vegetable go further down.
<싱크 : 동문재래시장 이용객>
배추 얼마 합니까? (만 원.) 만 원? 아직도 비싸구나… (아이고 1만 4천 원에서 내렸는데!) 가격 내릴 때 김치 해야지."

A shopper was shocked at the price of the vegetable and turned back.
Some shoppers choose mustard leaves for kimchi instead of Chinese cabbage.

Consecutive storms and a long rainy season this past summer reduced the yield of Chinese cabbage and radish.
Prices of the crops have remained high since summer.

Prices of Chinese cabbage have moved downward since the (추석) Chuseok Holiday nationwide, while the prices in Jeju have remained high.

It’s the same story for radish. A root of radish is 4,660 won. That’s 38 percent higher than the national average.

Price drops in the major vegetable and radish producing region of (강원) Gangwon Province haven't yet been reflected on the prices in Jeju.

High prices of cabbage and radish put a big burden on local Kimchi factories.
Demand for Kimchi has grown as an increasing number of families choose not to make Kimchi themselves. But the cost burden becomes too heavy.

Seoul expects that Chinese cabbage prices will stabilize from mid-November when autumn cabbage begins to ship while local shoppers are waiting for the prices to drop for their Kimchi.

Joseph Kim, KCTV

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