Lawmaker Oh Young-hun and governor cooperate to pass 4·3 Special Act
김동국 PD  |
|  2021.01.13 10:58
Lawmaker Oh Young-hun and governor cooperate to pass 4·3 Special Act
Stresses importance of bipartisan efforts

Lawmaker Oh Young-hun and Governor Won Hee-ryong have agreed to cooperate to pass the 4.3 Special Act amendment at the National Assembly next month. The previous attempt to pass the bill was canceled at the most recent session of the National Assembly.

Lawmaker Oh Young-hun of the Democratic Party of Korea held a briefing at the provincial office building on the 11th and announced that he had reached a bipartisan consensus with the governor to make sure the 4.3 Special Act amendment is passed at the National Assembly next month.

The amendment was previously denied due to controversy over the term ‘consolation’, and Lawmaker Oh said that he would try to reflect the principles of national responsibility and rightful compensation in the legislation.

As the extraordinary session of the National Assembly next month will take place before the 4.3 Incident Memorial Ceremony, he is approaching the session as a deadline. The lawmaker also expressed his determination to pass the bill by working towards an agreement between the ruling and opposition parties.

1. 오영훈, "원 지사와 4·3특별법 처리 초당적 협력"

4.3 특별법 개정안 처리가
지난 임시국회에서 무산된 가운데
오영훈 의원과 원희룡 지사가
다음 달 국회 통과를 위해 협력하기로 했습니다.

더불어민주당 오영훈 의원은
11일 오후 제주도청에서 브리핑을 갖고
4.3 특별법 개정안이 다음달 임시 국회에서
반드시 통과될 수 있도록 원희룡 지사와
초당적인 공감대를 이뤘다고 밝혔습니다.

위자료 표현으로 논란이 되고 있는 배보상에 대해서도
국가 책임과 배보상 원칙이 법안에 반영될 수 있도록
입법 과정에서도 함께 노력하기로 뜻을 모았다고

오 의원은
4.3 희생자 추념식 전인 다음 달 임시국회가
사실상 법안 통과의 마지노선이라며
여야 합의로 법안을
처리하겠다고 강조했습니다.

종합 리포트 뉴스
이 시각 제주는
    여러분들의 제보가 한발 더 가까이 다가서는 뉴스를 만들 수 있습니다.
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