Police tracking down two accomplices of Landing Casino embezzlement
김동국 PD  |  ttiger8@kctvjeju.com
|  2021.01.15 08:03
Police tracking down two accomplices of Landing Casino embezzlement
Investigating connection between ₩12B found around Jeju City and safe

Police are tracking two accomplices in addition to a former Malaysian female executive in connection with the disappearance of more than 14.5 billion won from Landing Casino at Shinhwa World Jeju.

During the process of tracking down the location of the Malaysian female suspect, the Jeju Provincial Police Agency announced that they have booked two people, including a Chinese national, on suspicion of assisting the embezzlement.

The two suspects are not employees of Landing Group and the police has confirmed that one has already left the country while the other is currently residing in Korea.

Police are also investigating 12 billion won that was found at various sites around Jeju City and also in the safe of clients at the Landing Casino, to see if there is any connection with the 14.56 billion won that has disappeared.

2. 란딩카지노 횡령 사건 공범 2명 추적 중

제주신화월드 내 란딩카지노에서
145억여 원이 사라진 사건과 관련해
경찰이 직원이었던 말레이시아 여성 외에
공범 2명을 추적하고 있습니다.

사건 수사 중
말레이시아 여성 A 씨의 행적을 추적하는 과정에서
30대 중국인 B씨 등 2명을
업무상횡령에 의한 방조죄로 입건했다고 밝혔습니다.

이들은 람정그룹 소속 직원은 아니며
1명은 이미 해외로 출국했고
다른 1명은 국내에 체류 중인 것으로 알려졌습니다.

경찰은 또 현재까지
피해 금액 145억 6천 만원 중에
120억 원 이상을 란딩 카지노 고객 금고와
제주시내 모처 등에서 발견해
사라진 돈과 일치하는지 조사하고 있습니다.

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