Amended April 3rd Special Act Passes Assembly
김동국 PD  |
|  2021.03.02 14:33
The National Assembly approved the long-awaited April 3rd Special Act revision bill last Friday.

The bill, which fell through at the 20th National Assembly, finally passed after 7 months of strenuous discussions at the current session.

With this year’s April 3rd memorial ceremony coming up in just one month, the passage brings the island great meaning.

Todd Thacker reports.


An amendment to the April 3rd Special Act was introduced in a regular session of the 21st National Assembly on Feb. 26. This came after a review by the Public Administration and Security Committee and the Legislation and Judiciary Committee.

The revision bill was the 31st bill reviewed by the regular session out of a total of 71 bills.

Oh Young-hun / National Assembly Member for Jeju
The revision will pave the way for national reconciliation and coexistence by putting an end to conflicts experienced during and after the U.S. military rule and the Korean War.
씽크)오영훈 국회의원 (제주 4.3특별법 제안설명)
"4·3 미군정 당시 국민의 갈등과 대립, 한국전쟁 전후 시기 갈등과 반복의 역사를 마무리하고 화해와 상생의 시대로 나가는 계기가 될 것입니다. 제주에 봄이 왔습니다. 한반도에 평화와 번영의 꽃이 필 것이라 확신합니다."

At last month’s regular session, 229 lawmakers were present, with 199 voting for the bill, 5 voting against, and 25 abstentions.

The bill flatlined during the 20th National Assembly but was passed after a 7-month-long discussion at the current session.
The bill had prompted a great deal of debate and conflict between the ruling and opposition parties.

Kim Sang-hee / Deputy Speaker, National Assembly
I declare that the amendment bill of the Special Act on Discovering the Truth of the Jeju April 3rd Incident and the Restoration of Honor of Victims is passed.
씽크)김상희 국회 부의장
"제주 4·3사건 진상 규명 및 희생자 명예회복에 관한 특별법 전부 개정 법률안 대안은 가결되었음을 선포합니다."

The revision bill states that additional fact-finding investigations will be conducted, and includes special retrial procedures for victims as well as compensation clauses.

The revision is significant as it provides legal grounds for individuals to both restore their reputations and seek compensation.

With this year’s memorial ceremony just one month away, the passage of this long-awaited bill revision brings renewed hope to local communities weary from years of struggle and the ongoing pandemic.

Todd Thacker, KCTV

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