Additional batches of COVID-19 vaccines supplied
김동국 PD  |
|  2021.03.08 15:14
Additional batches of COVID-19 vaccines supplied
Pfizer vaccine to arrive on Mar. 15

An additional batch of COVID-19 vaccines consisting of 4,800 doses arrived in Jeju through an Air Force transport plane to be distributed to hospitals in Jeju.

The vaccine, which arrived on March 5th, is an AstraZeneca vaccine. The vaccines will be distributed to four general hospitals and eight clinics excluding three hospitals designated for infectious diseases in the province.

Pfizer vaccines will soon be supplied to hospitals dedicated to infectious diseases by the middle of this month.

The first 3,900 doses of AstraZeneca vaccines were supplied to Jeju allowing more than 3,000 people living and working in nursing hospitals, under the age of 65 to be vaccinated.

In addition, vaccinations for medical workers at general hospitals and first responders to COVID-19 have started from today at local hospitals, including Cheju Halla General Hospital, Hankook General Hospital and Hanmaeum Hospital.

1. 코로나19 백신 추가 도착…4천800명분

코로나19 예방용 백신 4천800명분이 추가로
군 수송기를 통해 제주에 도착했습니다.

5일 도착한 백신은 '아스트라 제네카' 백신으로
도내 3개 감염병전담 병원을 제외한
4개 종합병원과 8개 일반병원에 배부됩니다.

감염병 전담 병원에는
이달 중순 화이자 백신이 공급될 예정입니다.

제주에는 처음 아스트라제네카 백신 3천900명분이 들어와
요양병원과 요양시설 종사자와 65살 미만 입소자 3천여 명이 접종을
종합 리포트 뉴스
이 시각 제주는
    여러분들의 제보가 한발 더 가까이 다가서는 뉴스를 만들 수 있습니다.
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