Over 100,000 people receive first dose of COVID-19 vaccine
김동국 PD  |  ttiger8@kctvjeju.com
|  2021.06.09 10:58
Over 100,000 people receive first dose of COVID-19 vaccine
16% of Jeju residents got shots

The number of people who received their first dose of COVID-19 vaccines in the province has exceeded 100,000.

According to the province, as of midnight on the 8th, the total number of people who have received their first round of vaccinations was estimated at 107,000.

This equates to 16% of all local residents. Those who have received their second round of vaccination stand at around 28,000 people, with a vaccination rate of 4.2%.

480 reports of adverse reactions have been reported, and most have been confirmed to be mild symptoms such as a headache or fever.

2. 제주지역 1차 백신 접종 10만 명 돌파

제주에서 코로나19 1차 백신을 접종한 인원이 10만 명을 넘어섰습니다.

제주도에 따르면 8일 0시를 기준으로
제주지역 1차 예방접종인원이 10만 7천여명으로 집계됐습니다.

전체 제주도민의 16% 수준입니다.

2차는 2만 8천여명으로 접종률은 4.2%입니다.

현재까지 이상 반응신고는 480건에 이르고 있으며
대부분 두통이나 발열 같은 가벼운 증상으로 확인됐습니다.

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