Jeju vaccination rate exceeding 23.8%
김동국 PD  |
|  2021.06.16 11:12
Jeju vaccination rate exceeding 23.8%
6% of residents complete their final round of vaccinations

The rate of provincial residents who received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccines has been accelerating and has now reached over 23%.

According to the province, the number of people receiving their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccinations is approximately 16,500, which equates to 23.8% of the total population.

About 40,500 people have completed the second vaccination with a rate of 6.0% including residents who received Jansen vaccines which are single shot vaccines.

Meanwhile, on the 14th, 36 suspected cases of adverse reactions to the vaccinations were received, all of which were confirmed as mild headaches and fever symptoms.

2. 제주도민 23.8% 백신 1차 접종…완료 6%

제주도민 가운데
코로나19 백신 1차 접종을 맞은 비율이
23%를 넘어서며 속도를 내고 있습니다.

제주도에 따르면
도내 코로나19 백신 1차 접종 인원은 16만 500여 명으로,
접종률 23.8%를 보이고 있습니다.

얀센을 포함해 2차 접종까지 완료한 인원은
4만 500여 명으로, 접종률은 6.0%로 집계됐습니다.

한편 14일 하루 백신 이상반응 의심 사례는 36건이 접수됐으며,
모두 가벼운 두통과 발열 증상으로 확인됐습니다.
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