Reports of Female Violence Decreases
고주연   |  
|  2022.06.13 09:25
Reports of Female Violence Decreases

The local police’s detection rate for offenders of female violence is showing an increase, which was possible with improvements made to responses to the crimes this year.

According to the Jeju Police Agency, the number of reports of domestic violence from January through March amounts to 1,400, which is a 10% decrease from that of last year. However, the detection rate increased by more than 50%.

In addition, the number of reports of sexual assault and dating abuse have also reduced while the detection rate for the offenders of these crimes has increased.

The police is planning to implement strong measures
on the offenders of female violence based on the danger level.
They will also take immediate measures to separate perpetrators from victioms.

여성 폭력 112 신고 줄고 검거율 50% 늘어

경찰이 올해부터
여성 폭력 범죄에 대한 대응을 강화하면서
사건 검거율도 높아지고 있습니다.

제주경찰청에 따르면
올들어 지난달까지 112 상황실로 접수된
가정폭력 사건은 1천 4백여 건으로
지난해 같은 기간 대비 10% 가량 줄었지만
검거율은 50% 이상 늘었습니다.

성폭력과 데이트폭력 역시
112신고는 줄고 검거율은 높아졌습니다.

경찰은 앞으로도 여성 폭력 범죄에 대해
위험 단계별로 강화된 조치를 시행하고
가해자를 분리하는 긴급임시조치를 적극적으로 시행할 방침입니다.

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