E-Travel Authorization Launches Next Month
고주연   |  
|  2022.08.29 10:50
E-Travel Authorization Launches Next Month

The provincial government will introduce an electronic authorization system in the province to prevent any side effects such as group tour refusals and travellers from going missing.

The Ministry of Justice said it will introduce an e-travel authorization system
on the island from the 1st of next month.
The government will reflect on the opinions from the province and the Tourism Association.

It has been decided not to apply the
ETA to citizens of the 64 countries
who are allowed to enter Jeju visa free.

However, when safety issues are in sake, citizens of the visa free entry countries may be required to an ETA.

The Ministry of Justice will discuss with the Jeju Provincial Office next month with regards to the ETA to ensure a safe launch.

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