More Landlords Caught for Illegal Lodging
이현   |  
|  2023.03.20 10:50
A series of crackdowns on illegal lodging operations in houses and apartments have been reported.

Since last month until the 15th of this month Jeju City conducted a joint crackdown along with relevant agencies on suspicious unreported illegal lodging operations and found 12 illegal cases.

Of the types discovered, eight were houses and one was an apartment, all of which had been conducting business operations without reporting to relevant authorities through online lodging sharing platforms.

Jeju City said that it filed criminal complaints against eight of the discovered operators and issued administrative orders against the other four.

단독주택·아파트 불법 숙박영업 잇따라 적발

단독주택이나 아파트 불법 숙박영업 행위가 잇따라 적발됐습니다.

제주시는 지난달부터 지난 15일까지 미신고 불법숙박 의심업소에 대한 유관기관 합동단속을 실시한 결과 12건을 적발했다고 밝혔습니다.

유형 별로는 단독주택 8곳, 아파트 1곳 등으로 모두 온라인 공유숙박 플랫폼을 통해 신고를 하지 않고 영업행위를 해 온 것으로 확인됐습니다

제주시는 적발업소 가운데 8건은 형사 고발하고 나머지 4건은 행정지도 했습니다.

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